25¢ friendship bracelet

How good is this deal?

$44.80 bikkuri don

How good is this deal?

$8 senior citizen haircut

How good is this deal?

2 tacos/99¢

How good is this deal?

$35 thai massage

How good is this deal?

$149.99 ricky martin hat

How good is this deal?

$1.99 piece of unknown fibres

How good is this deal?

$2.95 breakfast

How good is this deal?

$3.75 pizza & pop

How good is this deal?

2 samosas/99¢

How good is this deal?

$3 haircut

How good is this deal?

$2.95 breakfast

How good is this deal?

89¢ hardwood laminate

How good is this deal?

$3.99 steak and eggs

How good is this deal?

$3.25 hot dog and draft

How good is this deal?

99¢/lb sweet big daddy plums

(Submitted by Mish Way)
How good is this deal?

99¢ mugs

How good is this deal?

$7.98 CDs

How good is this deal?

$9.99 32 slice pizza

How good is this deal?

$3.75 phone card

How good is this deal?

$1 chinese and american food

How good is this deal?

25¢ local coin calls

How good is this deal?

$1 fortune cookies

How good is this deal?

$8 hair cut

How good is this deal?

$275 computers

How good is this deal?

2 lbs bananas/99¢

How good is this deal?

$3 beer

How good is this deal?

$28.99 hand wax

How good is this deal?